Capitalize on Trending Searches for AI to Double the Traffic


Ai design software


Toronto, ON Canada


July 2022



top-arrow 35+

Pages Built and Optimized

top-arrow 2.2M

Organic Traffic Driven per Month: 2x Traffic Before Engagement

top-arrow 20.4%

Increase in Revenue YoY

The Company

After years of designing logos and facing design approval challenges, Dawson Whitfield founded Looka (formerly Logojoy) in November 2016 to offer accessible and speedy design solutions for entrepreneurs. Utilizing machine learning, Looka's logo maker has assisted over 20 million users across 188 countries, producing over 10 billion unique logos. 

Since 2019, Looka has been recovering from a brand and domain change, which set them back in their very competitive category. Partnering with their talented in-house content and SEO teams, our mandate was to support Looka’s transition from a recovery mindset to a growth one.


Their Challenges

  • “Logo maker” SERP had many challengers, including established brands such as Adobe, Canva, and Shopify
  • The in-house team was unsure about the results of current link-building efforts and whether to continue or reprioritize
  • The team focus was primarily on tactical executions, and there was an appetite to uplevel to a more strategic approach that would bring their SEO and content teams closer together

Their Objectives

  • Increase generic organic revenue 
  • Remain competitive in the entrepreneurial space
  • Improve strategic thinking and subject matter expertise in both SEO and content

Our Approach

  • Solidify their position as an AI-based logo maker by building and optimizing content based on the upcoming AI boom
  • Massively expand content production and optimization to support the top money pages
  • Conducted backlink audit benchmarked against competitors to inform backlink strategy going forwards
  • Provide mentorship and consulting for SEO and content teams, covering best practices, including training on tools and playbooks, to grow the internal muscle

Looka had regained much of the traffic they had lost after the rebrand of 2019, but it was time for them to set their sights elsewhere: Their SEO and content strategy needed to focus on growth. To that end, they needed an SEO and content agency to support those growth plans.

Looka already had a sizable blog that was driving 1.2M organic visits a month. This was good news for us: The Looka team didn’t need convincing that SEO and content are essential to their marketing playbook. They knew SEO and content works. But they also knew they hadn’t yet maxed out these channels.

For a site this size, we began our partnership by trying to understand what was happening on a macro level. Site architecture and topic clustering were among the first audits we did to ensure we knew where to expand.

At the same time, we jumped in on the content side. We introduced Looka’s content team to our recommended TF-IDF writing tool (Surfer), providing training and identifying the content pages that should be prioritized for optimization. This work was done collaboratively—some pages were handled by their in-house content team, and we took on others.

From there, we looked to solidify Looka as a smart logo generator and an authority in logo design. For the former, we searched for trending keywords during the rise of ChatGPT’s popularity, by highlighting how AI-driven the logo maker is through content optimization. For the latter, we built net new pages covering famous logos, such as the history of the Adidas logo, which now ranks only after in organic search.

While supporting their internal marketing and content publishing efforts, we also played a mentorship role. By sharing our processes, running training sessions, and maintaining a constant line of communication with a shared Slack channel, we wanted to ensure Looka’s continued success. This approach is core to our philosophy of true partnership. We strive to bring our clients’ internal teams on the journey so they learn and grow in tandem.

Our ongoing partnership with Looka involves a combination of mentorship, strategic guidance, key deliverables, and content production.

Results Highlights

top-arrow 106.9%

Increase in Traffic YoY

top-arrow #1

“Logo Generator” and #2 for “AI Logo Generator”

top-arrow 18,000+

Keywords in Top 3 Positions